Category Archives: Easter

Best Easter Devilled Eggs

12 hard boiled eggs

1/8 cup mix of finely chopped onions, celery and pickles

1/8 cup mayonaise

1/4 teaspoon mustard

dash of salt, pepper and paprika

I have been making these eggs for so long that I no longer use a recipe. The ingredients above are approximates. Please feel free to add a bit more to the ingredients if applicable. After boiling the eggs, I add them to a pan of cold water. After peeling the eggs, I cut them in half. Scoop out the cooked yolks and add them to a mixing bowl. Add the other ingredients and stir until they are mixed. I am very careful not to use too much mayonaise. I spinkle another dash of paprika on the top of the eggs. There are many many cute devilled egg serving platters where the egg halves fit perfectly in place. I have purchased some at thrift stores and the Easter egg platter is adorable.


Filed under devilled eggs recipe, Easter