Category Archives: Thomas Dolby

Thomas Dolby plays Anthology in San Diego

A dear friend who lives in San Diego invited me to a concert tonight at Anthology. Thomas Dolby was playing. I remembered Mr. Dolby from his hit song in the 80’s “She Blinded me With Science”. To be honest, it was never a favorite. I love the opportunity to go out in downtown San Diego, so I accepted the invitation for the concert with relish. Much to my surprise, Mr. Dolby was amazing! He is a show man through and through and to say that he had the classy crowd mesmerized, would be an understatement. Mr. Dolby told fascinating and funny stories about the songs that he played. He told of a dream he had about Billie Holliday and a conversation that he had with Michael Jackson. He had the crowd eating from his hands. His techno-punk music has evolved and some of his newer songs even have a Cajun flair. I closed my eyes during “One of our Submarines” and it had a David Bowie sound and feel to it. There were other songs where a tad bit of “The Talking Heads” came to mind. I roared with laughter during “The Toad Lickers”. If Mr. Dolby tours again, I will not miss it. He is a poet, storyteller and musician all wrapped up in one superb package

The venue of Anthology in San Diego was classy and upscale. The seating was a bit tight, but the ambiance and the food were exceptional. The sound system was spectacular and you did not feel as if your ears would be ringing for the rest of the evening. It was a tremendous concert and venue!

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